Oliver Goldsmith或許是全世界唯一會針對客人量身訂製眼鏡的眼鏡公司,
這是Oliver Goldsmith最好的服務也是最高等級的眼鏡,
Oliver Goldsmith至今還能夠生產百分之一百全手工打造的眼鏡,
以下是從Oliver Goldsmith網站上摘入關於他們對量身訂製百分之一百手工打造眼鏡的注解,
不難看出為什麼Oliver Goldsmith能夠歷久不衰。
"Oliver Goldsmith is one of the very few companies in the world who can still make glasses completely by hand. Only a few hundred pairs of glasses are made here by hand each year. Making them this way is our passion. Yes, it takes a bit longer. Yes, it costs a bit more. But no-one else in the world makes eyewear like this."
~Oliver Goldsmith網站
"Oliver Goldsmith是全世界到目前為止少數還可以全程手工製造眼鏡的公司,每年只有幾百付眼鏡出自我們『手』裏,我們非常熱愛這樣做眼鏡,是的,這樣花很多時間,是的,這樣造價比較高,但是全世界沒有人像我們這樣做眼鏡。"
"It is difficult to tell the difference between a hand-made frame, and one made by machine, but the difference is there.... It's just like the difference between a ready-made suit and one made to measure."
~Claire Goldsmith
~Claire Goldsmith (諾貝爾眼鏡翻譯)